X Will Allow ‘Adult Content’ Labelling for NSFW Communities

What to know

  • NSFW Communities on X can set the ‘Adult Content’ label to prevent auto-filtering of content. 
  • Embracing NSFW content is part of a larger plan to grow communities on the platform. 

It’s no secret that X (formerly Twitter) has a lot of NSFW content on the platform already. Be it explicit photos and videos that verge on pornographic, game content, or real-life videos from war-stricken areas that can be gruesome to watch. Such content often gets filtered automatically, much to the frustration of community members who want to engage with it. 

To remedy the situation, X will soon allow Community admins to set ‘Adult Content’ label in Settings. This will prevent their content from being auto-filtered. Dong Wook Chung, an X engineer, posted on the platform a long list of updates and improvements for X Communities, of which the Adult Content labelling is a part.

This confirms X’s plan to allow NSFW communities to label themselves appropriately to keep their content from being filtered. 

As seen by tech enthusiast AssembleDebug, Communities that have the ‘Adult Content’ label will also show ’18+’ in red.  

Communities are growing at a rapid pace on X which is prompting the platform to add new features while fixing existing ones. If X’s Communities take off, it might even compete with other forum sites like Reddit which have many NSFW subreddit pages.

Communities are also receiving a Ban button that will allow them to keep spammers in check. Moderators will be able to apply temporary or permanent bans on spammers. 

Currently, the ‘Adult Content’ label for Communities is still in development and there’s no telling how ‘soon’ it will start appearing on the platform. We’ll be sure to update you when it does.

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