New Android Game,Shadowgun: Deadzone hits Play Store. Limited to Tegra 3 equipped devices only, though.

The online multiplayer follow-up to one of the most awesome shooters on any mobile platform is coming soon to Android and iOS, but folks with Tegra 3-powered devices can play the public beta version of Shadowgun: Deadzone right now.

Madfinger Games, the developer of this game, makes sure to note that for now, everything might not be 100% perfect. This is released to the Play Store as a limited BETA so they can iron out a few kinks and improve performance device-wide, before the final version is released to the public.

In the Public Beta version, keep in mind that the content would be limited, but even then Madfinger has still put out a decent spread. Shadowgun: DeadZone offers Four playable characters: Soldier, Mutant, Assassin, and Dancer. It has Two game modes and two multiplayer levels, 7 different types of weapons, as well as tons of accessories like grenades, ammo and health kits, and the always helpful flashbang to blind your foes in the heat of battle.

Finally, the objective of a public beta is to collect as much feedback as possible in order to tweak and improve the final product. So be sure to provide feedback on  whatever you think needs improving.

Check out some of these screenshots below before you can download the public beta version from the playstore.

Cool, ain’t it? If you have a Tegra 3 powered device, say a Transformer Prime or an HTC One X, go ahead and download the public beta of Shadowgun: Deadzone, and jump right into the action. The public beta is available for free from the Google Play store.

[button link=”” icon=”arrow” style=””]Download Shadowgun: DeadZone[/button]